That child over there? I suppose it would be completely reasonable for you not to be familiar with him.


Pernicious Padjali Conjurer


Age ✧ Looks 14-ish, is almost 200
Height ✧ 154cm
Gender ✧ Male
Race ✧ Padjal
Nationality ✧ Gridanian
Occupation ✧ Conjurer
Personality ✧ The first impression one would have of him is much like a malevolent trickster. He seems very immature and revels in playing tricks on people or getting them worked up. However, spending enough time with him gives you the feeling that his cockiness is because he truly fears no consequences to his actions.Availability ✧ Open to RP
Platform ✧ Prefer discord, but open to in-game RP
Home World ✧ Sophia, Materia


A-Kirau-Kor's background seems to be a strangely well-kept secret. The few things that are known about him are as follows: He is almost 200 years old, he resides alone in the Twelveswood, and he does not appear to care for anything other than his own amusement.He also appears to hold a strange position within the ranks of Hearers and Conjurers. While he is afforded a lot of respect merely for his seniority, he holds no positions on the Seedseer Council and is the only Padjal to be excluded.He also does not appear to answer to anyone and is a bit of a wildcard. He does what he wants and many dare not cross him despite his antics. The only person who seems capable of reigning him in is E-Sumi-Yan.


Please note that A-Kirau-Kor rarely seems to leave the Twelveswood. However, he may be compelled to travel if provided a good enough reason to.

In need of a Healer

If you're in need of healing but don't want any unwanted questions, they say that one Padjal who lives alone by the waterfall seems quite tight-lipped.

Strange Happenings in the Twelveswood

None seem to know about the strange thing happening in the Twelveswood, but whispers say that the eccentric Padjal might have answers for you. If he's willing to help you, that is.

Gelmorran Fixation

A-Kirau-Kor seems to have a very intense fixation on Gelmorra for whatever reason and is known to trade in artefacts in less than scrupulous ways.


These hooks are intended to be used sparingly. Not just anyone would know of this information, regardless of its veracity.

A Contentious Relationship

When hearers speak positively about A-Kirau-Kor, they seem to know that the elementals choose to speak to him more than any other save the Elder Seedseer. But though they dare not speak it, they then wonder why it is the padjal seems to resent this fact.

The days of War

It's not difficult to surmise that given his age, the Padjal would have likely been involved in the Autumn War. Accounts of the conflict describe him as a stoic commander who's heroic deeds protected Gridania on many occasions-- yet those depictions bear little resemblance to the man you see today.


Do not use these hooks or the information implied in a public RP setting. If you wish to use these hooks, you must first discuss them with me.

Into the Maws

Although as if struck from most records, some still might carry the knowledge that before it's closure, A-Kirau-Kor was the last warden of the infamous prison, Toto-Rak.

what is gone

A-Kira-Kor speaks little about magic and almost seems unremarkable in ability when contrast with the other Padjal. However, were he to be really tested, his knowledge in necromancy and other forbidden arts is almost unnerving in it's extensity. Might that have anything to do with why his most inner sanctum is warded against the eyes of the Elementals themselves?


My name is Alek and I'm A-Kirau-Kor's mun.I am a fairly active FFXIV player based in Australia. I am an altaholic, so A-Kirau-Kor is only one of my many characters. If you'd like to find out more about them and me, you can check out my general FFXIV carrd.✘ On principle I don't privately RP with anyone under 18. ✘
I'm in my 30s, & I feel like it is just inappropriate to be roleplaying with minors, regardless of how innocuous the content might be.
Discord ✧ alek#0641